
Why You Should be Reviewing Books on NetGalley

Do you enjoy writing reviews or blogging about new releases? Maybe you’re an educator, librarian, bookseller, or journalist that deals with books daily. If this is you and you aren’t using NetGalley, you are severely missing out.


NetGalley is the ultimate tool in helping book influencers discover soon-to-be-released titles. 

That’s right, you can actually read, for FREE, books that aren’t even released to the public yet. If this sounds too good to be true, I assure you, it’s real. The purpose of NetGalley is to connect readers to new books before they are published so that authors can receive essential feedback before they put their work up for sale. Book ARC’s (Advanced Ready Copies) are coveted and thrilling for book lovers. NetGalley is one of the very few places the public can access ARCs. It’s a reader’s chance to read a book before anyone else!


Librarians and booksellers can use NetGalley to scope out new books to order. With an endless supply of new releases, NetGalley makes it easy to find genres that help fill your stock. And journalists have the opportunity to be a step ahead of the game, with the option to write book reviews, or conduct author interviews, before word spreads about the next bestseller.


Why would anyone offer free books?

Authors and their publishers offer books on NetGalley to generate buzz around their book. They also need those positive reviews to help get the word out about their release. They provide a digital copy of their book to you in hopes you’ll read it and give it a well thought out great review. Your review will be seen by countless others when searching for the book once the book is released.


Thousands of authors and publishers post books on NetGalley daily. There is never a short supply of new or soon-to-be-released books.


Devices to read NetGalley books

You can read your NetGalley digital book on countless devices: Android phone, tablet, Kindle, iPhone, Ipad, PC, Mac, Nook, Nexus phone, Kobo eReader, etc. If you’re reading this article, you can most likely read a book on NetGalley.  


Sign up is a breeze

Signing up for NetGalley is simple, and the registration form is standard: email, password, username. Once you’re signed up, you simply click “Find Titles,” and you’re given dozens of categories to choose from with multiple ways to search for books. Once you find a book the piques your interest, you click the “request” button, and your request goes to the publisher, who either approves or denies it. When you’re approved, you are sent an email and are then able to download the book. Once you’ve read the book, you click on the “give feedback” button and write your review.


A couple of tips to make the most out of NetGalley

Although it is tempting, try not to request more books than you can handle. Your feedback ratio is used by publishers to determine if they should approve or deny your request. NetGalley recommends a feedback ratio of 80% or higher, so once you’ve requested a book, be sure to leave your opinion.


If you want authors and publishers to REALLY like you, you’ll cross-post your positive reviews to Goodreads and Amazon. Authors love to see reviews on other platforms as well, and by cross-posting your reputation on those platforms will start to gain notoriety.


An endless supply of books awaits you, consider signing up for NetGalley. If you’re looking for new titles to add may we suggest these new titles on NetGalley?

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Picture of Veronica Dixon

Veronica Dixon

A writer and explorer who loves books. Her favorite saying is, “I never met a book I didn’t like!” She especially enjoys contemporary fiction, YA, science fiction, fantasy, and mysteries.

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