
Podcast #1 Laurel Anne Hill – The Engine Woman’s Light

Desiree Duffy speaks with author/speaker Laurel Anne Hill about the need for heroes in society and our literature.

There’s a lot of incivility happening in the world today. Entire groups of people are marginalized based on their ethnicity, religion, gender, and more. It’s so easy to turn away from the truth and pretend the hate isn’t there. Being brave, confronting and understanding what’s happening, well, that’s the stuff that heroes are made of.

We find many heroes and heroines in books. We enjoy going along with them on their journey, cheering and rooting for them along the way.

Our guest is someone who knows quite a bit about crafting compelling heroes and telling us their story. She is the author of the multi-award-winning The Engine Woman’s Light.

Laurel Anne Hill grew up in San Francisco, California, with more dreams of adventures than good sense or money. Her close brushes with death, love of family, respect for honor and belief in a higher power continue to influence her writing and her life. She has authored two award-winning novels: The Engine Woman’s Light (Sand Hill Review Press), a gripping spirits-meet-steampunk tale, and Heroes Arise (KOMENAR Publishing). Laurel’s published short stories and nonfiction pieces total over forty. She’s the Literary Stage Manager for the annual San Mateo County Fair, a speaker, writing contest judge, and editor.


For more about Laurel, visit her website.

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Desiree Duffy

Desireé believes in storytellers. A lover of the written word, she is an advocate for all those who write and read. She founded this website, Books That Make You, and loves sharing books with the world.