Peace on the page: Seth B. Taube recommends 4 books for meditation

Peace on the page: Seth B. Taube recommends 4 books for meditation

Seth Taube’s bookshelf is organized from “A to Zen.”

That’s because the California resident is an avid reader who believes in the power of the written word. His interests span science, mathematics, religion, spirituality, and everything in between. But, as an introduction to meditation, Seth Taube knows that reading can be transformative.

Seth Taube has had a successful career as an entrepreneur, building several multi-billion dollar companies Yet, his latest venture follows a more enlightened path. He recently co-founded Progresive Therapeutics Inc. This start-up is on a singular mission to improve mental wellness across the globe using a blend of mental health, neuroscience, and non-traditional healing methods. 

Seth Taube has worked to harmonize these fields since his time at Harvard University. Meditation is at the root of this practice. A recent study found that just 15 minutes of focused meditation reduces stress and anxiety as much, if not more, than one day of vacation can. Yet meditation can sharpen attention span, improve sleep, and cultivate a more positive outlook on life too.

But you don’t need access to an expert to unlock these benefits. In fact, books are a great starting point. There’s a wide selection of literature that offers both theoretical knowledge and practical application.

With this in mind, Seth Taube pages through these four essential meditation must-reads for beginners.

Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life

This book’s contents are as jam-packed as its title. This entry is an ideal companion for a bedside table. Inside, psychologist and best-selling author Agapi Stassinopoulos gives grounded, guided meditations. Although this might feel restricting to advanced practitioners, it’s perfect for novices who need structural help in getting started.

Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

No list would be complete without this entry. Reading like a novel, “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” doesn’t restrict itself to just meditation. It highlights the importance of breathing and its impact on the body. Seth Taube appreciates its scientific approach to the subject. And he’s not alone. This book has earned several prestigious awards, including mentions by both The Washington Post and NPR.

You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life

Meditation doesn’t have to monopolize your time. Here, certified yoga instructor and meditation coach Rebekah Borucki dismantles myths about the time commitment needed to practice adequately. She uses a conversational tone that is equally approachable and actionable. Affirmations, mantras, breathing, and bodywork are all explored. Yet this book is also incredibly personal, as she shares stories and anecdotes as testament.

This Moment Is Your Life (and So Is This One): A Fun and Easy Guide to Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga

Stress and anxiety aren’t adult issues. Kids can also benefit from mindfulness and meditation. Designed for children, this book presents breathing, yoga, and general meditation practices in full-color artwork. Educator Mariam Gates provides a simple, easy-to-understand resource for kids. While this is obviously geared towards younger practitioners, these topics still maintain a universal application.

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