
Pair a book with your style!

Grab a book to complement your style. Whether you’re out on the town, hiking a new trail, or on your way to an interview, take one of these new novels along to read. Reading never goes out of style, so pair a great book with your hot look!



Journeyman – Rugged

If you identify as an outdoorsman or outdoorswoman, Journeyman will complement your style. This book won’t take up too much room in your hiking backpack and is a great read for when you finally reach that summit and want to take a load off. This is th story of an Appalachian hiker who’s been removed from the 21st century and plucked into colonial America. Now he must use his modern knowledge to survive in a time before our modern conveniences.


The Engine Woman’s Light- Steampunk

Gears, gadgets, and locomotion! If you’re into steampunk, it’s time you read The Engine Woman’s Light. The alternate history features a world of steampunk with ghosts, sprits and ancestors. Step into a world where trains are used to transport the “undesirables” to work until their death unless one girl and her spiritual advisors stop them.



Next Therapist Please – Bright and Cheerful

If you like to look on the bright side of life, even when your emotions might not agree, try Next Therapist Please. This comedic take on mental illness takes a look at the ups and downs with a dose of good humor. Your inner turmoil may try to escape but you’ll try to keep that smile and bright outlook shining through, and with Next Therapist Please in your pocket, you will!


XX v XY: The Final World War – Activist

You’re passionate about social issues like womens’ rights, the #MeToo movement, and equality and gender acceptance. You’ve been known to carry a picket sign in the trunk of your car and be ready for a rally at a moment’s notice. XX v XY is a dystopian science fiction novel that speaks of the horrific outcomes America faces if change does not occur. A book all women and men alike should read in our tumultuous times.


How Women Negotiate From a Position of Strength – Business

You’re career driven and motivated to succeed at any cost. You want the best possible future for yourself and you’re willing to go that extra mile to achieve it. Pair How Women Negotiate From a Position of Strength with your new power-suit and get the job done. With an interactive workbook and all the tips and tricks you need to negotiate yourself to the top, this book has everything you need to make it to the next level. Throw it in your briefcase and go conquer the world.


Gates of Midnight: Warrior of the Gate – Combat

Are you ready to defend yourself at a moment’s notice? Are you ex-military, mastering taekwondo, or do you just love to rock the combat boots? Gates of Midnight is a kick-butt graphic novel of an Afghanistan war veteran’s fight against the monsters of NYC. Join the mission of keeping New York clean of mythical beasts and human foes.


Ivory Ghosts– Eco-friendly

You try to be as friendly towards the environment as possible, leaving as small a carbon footprint as possible. You want to help endangered animals however you can. If this sounds like you, then you’ll love Ivory Ghosts, a comic book dedicated to teaching the world about the tragic elephant ivory trade. Pick up a copy to read and motivate yourself to keep the environment clean and safe for all walks of life.


The Prince – Royal

You walk into a room with an aura of majesty to your step. You turn heads with your demanding presence. You may not wear a crown, but you would totally rock it if you did. The Prince is a fantasy novel about the realm of Fenrir and the fight to keep it safe from radical extremists. Get lost in the land of action and royalty.

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Bree has a love of books and a passion for sharing stories. As a book blogger, writer and admin of this site, Bree’s goal is to spread the joy of reading with others.

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