Q. What will parents and educators discover in “Snoodles in Space Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back!”?
A. This is what they will discover. When the totally ridiculous becomes absolutely believable, life can be wonderful with everything being possible.
Q. Talk to us about the importance of avoiding “quick labeling” of children and how this can help in their development.
A. I talk about this in A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness. We tell kids to use their words and they should, instead of acting out. But, if a kid always says he or she is angry, while the kid is using words, you may think this is an angry kid. The Common CrankaTsuris is about looking at everything as a common human experience without the need to label a kid other than the sweet kid having a bad moment.
Q. Can you explain the common ‘CrankaTsuris’ that kids have, and will that also be their Superpowers?
A. Kids get angry at times and they are trying to test out the rules or the boundaries. This is when we need to be the CrankaTsuris Lawyer. And when a kid misbehaves, it is not about what you (“the kid”) should not do. It is about the “we”. This is just something “we” do not do. The “we” is important on forming the boundaries.
Q. Share with us and discuss combining pop culture inspirations of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and the classic “Batman” TV show.
A. Yes. In “The Zoodles Strike Back,” there is the obvious reference to Willy Wonka. I had just seen the Original movie with Gene Wilder and noticed the media circus around the event, and that have ended very badly for the spoiled kids who did not obey the rules. That was the lightening bolt to create this story. The “Batman” piece was putting Willy Nilly Dilly Dally Dust into the water supply that would turn everyone into complete nincompoops. It always seemed like the villains wanted to mess with that, and they also wanted to do some mind control stuff.
Q What is your idea of making the spoiled kids the heroes?
A. I love the idea of redemption, and how we all make some bad choices that we later regret. Too many people do not get to have a do-over. I loved the idea that Frimpy Frumpy and Whimpy Whiny decided to be brave and not let the labels other kids put on them to make bad decisions.
Q. So far, what was your favorite experience while writing the Snoodles Series?
A. Going to Nottingham, England, and hanging out with my genius illustrator, Andy Case. By far far, my very favorite!
Share with us your dynamic and fun creative process with illustrator Andy Case.
A.Andy definitely pushes and inspires me. His illustrations just push me to create more. It goes way beyond doing story blocks and then describing to the illustrator what you want to be drawn. We write back and forth often. We do video chats. And when he draws, I think he goes way beyond the words I wrote, but it is if he goes inside my head as well. Once the illustrations start coming, it is like opening up presents on Christmas day. Remember, we are doing ridiculous. So, imagine one person writing ridiculous words, and the other person matching it with ridiculous illustrations that amplifies the ridiculousness even more. And, we then keep the serious message in there with all the silliness going on.
In the next book, “Escape from Zoodletraz,” I felt I was writing a story almost like a gift to Andy because with every page, I was thinking how much fun Andy can have with the stuff going on. If I never met Andy, and was just writing the story, I do not know if it would come out the way it does because I may have been too intimidated thinking that there is not anybody who can draw this.
What is the most valuable lesson from your Snoodles Series for readers?
A.Many lessons! Caring for each other. Looking out for each other. The call to action to make the world a better place. And that creativity can be encouraged and we can be amazed by our creations.
Q.Talk to us about your future projects, such as “Escape from Snoodletraz”?
A.Every book has new characters and the Snoodleverse expands. It is music themed with Swifty Swoodle and the DooWopadoodles. There is a new poodle named Flootle. And Zoodletraz is a crazy place where we get to meet the Trash Can Cats! It will definitely be time to buckle up your seatbelts in your Snoodle!!!
To find out more about Steven Joseph order his book or go to his website.