
Heather Mathes, Shares Health Lessons in Paid to Be Perfect

Heather Mathes, author of Paid to Be Perfect started modeling back in 1988, in 2008 she retired to be a mother, but not after a very successful 10 years in fit modeling with major retail brands. in 2016 she came out of retirement and continue to model, with the exact same measurements as when she started. You read that right, at age 46, after having a child, Heather was the same weight and measurement as she was in her 20’s. How is that possible? She developed health and wellness methods that kept her weight consistant and her body healthy. She discusses her methods in her new book, Paid to Be Perfect, and we asked her a few questions to elaborate:


Q. What Inspired You to Write Paid to Be Perfect?
“How have you maintained your measurements under contract within a 1/4″ for decades?” is the question I’ve gotten the most over the years from people who find out I’ve maintained my body size within a quarter of an inch plus or minus over the years. I answer that with absolutely everything I eat, and everything I do, and have done for years without going hungry and getting pleasure from what I consume.

I believe we’re designed to get pleasure from what we eat rather than feel stressed or guilty because food consumption is a natural, normal function of the body. And too many people that I’ve known personally, as well as that I see all across social media platforms, don’t seem to understand that or know how to go about feeling good about their food choices without guilt or stress.

I’m therefore inspired by the ability to share with anyone who wants to learn more about healthy living. In addition this book is my pay-it-forward for the amazing modeling career I’ve had throughout the years.

Q. Can You Tell Us About the Book from Your Point of View?

This book is about the reader finding “their perfect” around nutrition, fitness and wellness. I share everything that has worked for me based on my decades-long modeling career in an effort for the reader to find what works for them.

It’s not necessarily about losing weight and it’s NOT at all about being skinny.  It’s about maintaining consistency of your natural size while thoroughly enjoying what’s on your plate.  And It’s about finding that place in your body that feels just right, where you have the most energy and have an overall feeling of well-being rather than struggling to reach an arbitrary number on a scale. It’s about having an appreciation for where you are as well as a road map to help you to get wherever you’d like to be.

Q. What Can Readers Expect from Paid to Be Perfect?

They can expect to learn how to eat whatever they want, whatever they want while maintaining their consistent, natural size throughout decades of a well-lived life. And that by learning to do so they will gain pleasure and happiness around their food choices rather than feelings of guilt or stress.

They will learn that though they are reading about someone that was paid to keep her body measurements on spec within a quarter of an inch under contract, keeping your body from vacillating between extreme highs and lows can be achieved and maintained by anyone who is at their natural size. And they will learn that this book is for everyone looking for a healthy lifestyle, at any size, and at any age.

Q. Can You Tell Me Three Fun Facts About You?

I’ve been meditating twice a day every day for over 20 years.Heather Mathes
I was adopted and raised in a multi-ethnic family in a small town in Ohio (and I’ll always be a small town girl at heart).
I’m ancient for a model. I remember modeling for a print campaign online when the internet was brand new!

Q. What Are Your Plans for Future Writing Projects?

I have several children’s books I’m working on. I also have a monthly newsletter that you can subscribe to on paidtobeperfect.com which continues the conversation around nutrition, fitness, skin care and wellness.

Q. What Do You Want the World to Know About Your Book?

What I love sharing about the way I approach nutrition is that there is no willpower involved, no portion controlling, and no calorie counting simply because you eat what you want to eat when you want to eat it once you learn what works for your body.

I believe it’s not only possible but also the most natural way to eat and live to fully enjoy what’s on your plate.

Q. How Do You Think Your Book Relates to The World Today?

I think following a plant based diet is helpful. Even if you like to eat animal foods occasionally, eating more whole plant foods is not only good for you, but if a majority of the people ate that way we would use less agriculture meaning less environmental damage. We could also feed more people if more people were following a plant based diet worldwide.

I also think that because life can be stressful, we all need as many tools to use to navigate through all the ups and downs and twists and turns that will inevitably show up for us. Throughout my book, I share what works for me not only with nutrition, but with my fitness and wellness tips. Having sound methods that work in all three of those areas combined helps when everything from small things to major world events gets to be a lot.

Q. What Do You Hope Will Be the Everlasting Thoughts for Readers Who Finish Your Book?

That they can learn to see the perfection in themselves as easily and as effortlessly as they see the perfection in others.

Q. What Should Remain with Readers Long After Putting Your Book Down?

The knowledge that they are perfect, exactly as they are.

Q. If People Can Only Buy One Book This Month, Why Should It Be Yours?

Because unlike other books that focus solely on nutrition and diet, my book is not just about nutrition. It’s an all-encompassing approach to wellness because it’s also about moving your body in a healthy way that feels good for you, and creating mindful habits that help you to navigate through your days while experimenting and exploring your own path to YOUR individual perfect.


Check out your copy of Heather Mathe’s book on Amazon now.

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Bree has a love of books and a passion for sharing stories. As a book blogger, writer and admin of this site, Bree’s goal is to spread the joy of reading with others.

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