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Sales Boost Packages

We understand the challenges authors face in the competitive book market. That’s why we’re offering our sales boost packages to address your needs. Whether you’re a seasoned author or debuting your first masterpiece, our services are crafted to catapult your book to new heights. Here’s what we offer:

  1. Sales Guaranteed: We’re so confident in our approach that we guarantee sales based on the package you purchase. 
  2. Enhanced Visibility: Our strategies are tailored to help elevate your book’s ranking on Amazon, making it more discoverable to potential readers.

Take the First Step Towards Bestseller Status

Don’t let your book get lost in the sea of published books. With our sales boost packages, your work will not only reach new readers but also leave a lasting impact. Check out our comprehensive offerings below and see which package aligns with your book’s journey.

Note, while your book sale only needs to last five days, our promotion runs for one or three months depending on the package you sign up for. This is because Amazon usually does not report eBook sales until a percentage of the eBook has been read, so we continue to promote your book after the sale.

Books need to be approved prior to promotion. Please email us with your name, book title, and Amazon sales link for preapproval.

Note, please do not submit any of the following types of books as they will not be approved due to advertising limitations on these topics:
Crypto currency, mortgage or other loans, erotica, COVID, contain information about current or recent political leaders, textbooks (self-help and business books are fine to submit).

If you have an account please login before clicking schedule now below. If you need to create an account you may do so here.

Sell 250 eBooks

$ 2125
  • 250 eBooks
  • 30 Day Promo
  • 5 Day Sales Window

Sell 500 eBooks

$ 3245
  • 500 eBooks
  • 30 Day Promo
  • 5 Day Sales Window

Sell 1000 eBooks

$ 4488
  • 1000 eBooks
  • 90 Day Promo
  • 5 Day Sales Window

Sell 250 eBooks

$ 2372
  • 250 eBooks
  • 30 Day Promo
  • 5 Day Sales Window

Sell 500 eBooks

$ 3746
  • 500 eBooks
  • 30 Day Promo
  • 5 Day Sales Window

Sell 250 eBooks

$ 2622
  • 250 eBooks
  • 30 Day Promo
  • 5 Day Sales Window

Sell 500 eBooks

$ 4246
  • 500 eBooks
  • 30 Day Promo
  • 5 Day Sales Window